Friday, June 6, 2008

Day 32 - 3.5 Miles

Destination: Shell Station for fuel

I decided to spend another day here at the farm. For the first time on this journey, I have developed very specific aches and pains in my wrists. Both wrists. I think that's pretty good for nearly 30 days in a row and over 7800 miles. I figure a day of not driving the scooter would be helpful.

Pedro ran over some wild baby turkeys while cutting hay, and managed to not kill them. They were some wiggly little creatures. I had trouble holding on to them.

I did however help with some administrative tasks here for the farm and spent the rest of the afternoon tedding about eight acres of hay, Pedro had cut yesterday. A tedding machine is this sort of rake machine with spinning tines to spread out and air out the hay before it's bailed. Sort of a fluffer. It's been more than 20 years since I've been on a tractor, and it's amazing how easy it comes back.

Pedro's wife, Maria cooked a mean plate of BBQ beef ribs for lunch, and Margie grilled up some juicy and delicious hamburgers for dinner. Thanks Maria and Margie. A tiny sliver of the moon rose above the old farm house as a colony of little chimney sweeps flew out from the chimney at dusk.

Down on the farm slideshow:

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