We didn't even try.
Last night Colin told us it was snowing in Tahoe. Lucky offered, and I decided it best to spend one more night in Sacramento. My scooter has found a friend, We loaded Lucky's GTS that was at Julie's house, and mine on to the trailer for the trip back to Sacramento, said goodbye to Julie. Thanks Julie for your hospitality.
Lucky, Brooke (his daughter) and I drove back to Sacramento. Once again, we mercifully were heading in the opposite direction of all the Memorial Day weekend traffic. Brunch at a non-desccrpt Denny's hit the spot.
Lucky won a Buddy Black Cat Rattler 50cc scooter in some scooter raffle and it's become Brooke's scooter. Unfortunately, the front tire, brake caliper, clips and shoes have been removed by some dope who was unable to figure out how it goes back together. I like puzzles, and Lucky and I figured it out after a few tries and a few adult carbonated beverages.
Barbara (Wayward Bastard) from last night joined us along with her mother Audrey, for dinner at somethingorother Buccos for a family style Italian dinner. It was good and big. It's some restaurant chain with off the wall Italian inspired decor. We walked through the kitchen to be seated, there were tables in the kitchen also. A huge upstairs seating area with cozy nooks and crannies offered even more sights. One dining room had the Pope on a Lazy Susan in the middle of a humongus round table.
We decided to try Tahoe tomorrow. Lucky has a cabin near there, and Barbara decided to join us. It should be fun.
Today's short slideshow:
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