Kevyn and Linda are long gone by the time I get up to have tea with Lily, Zoe, Tipper, and Tess. Tess has one ear that sticks up likes belly rubs. Tipper keeps me occupied with a tiny tennis ball. Lily and I play tug of war with a torn up blanket. I'm having to wait for American Express to deliver me a me a new card. Added to my misery of having my card cut off 'for my own protection' four times so far on this journey, it seems the magnetic strip is worn out as well.
I gave up the ghost waiting for UPS and headed off to meet up with Colin, a fellow scooterist, who has offered me a place to stay tonight. I guess that AMEX card will just chase me up the California coast.
Mercifully the weather is way cooler here in LA than it is in the desert. I think I picked a good time of day as the ever expanding lanes on the freeways were not so crowded after all.
Colin lives in a beautiful neighbourhood with purple flowering trees covering the streets like a canopy, a welcome respite. His grey tortie cat, named Seven, greeted me at his door step. Colin, along with all the scooter folks I've met with so far are members of The Royal Bastards Scooter Club. What a great group of people. I'm so sorry I'm missing the opportunity to meet up with more Bastards from San Diego, but I've been invited to a couple of other scooter rallies and events up near San Francisco towards the end of the week.
Greasy is another Bastard living the scooter dream wrenching on scooters for a living in his own shop. He has a spotless shop, and invited me to put my baby on the lift give him the once over. I felt the need to clean my air filter after a week and a half in the desert. His shop is filled with vintage Vespas and Lambrettas in various states of repair. Amazingly my air filter was not that dirty, but Greasy gave me a new one anyway. Thanks Greasy.
Colin wrangled up two other Bastards, Spencer and Jameson, for a ride up to the Hollywood sign and a spin in the hills on Mulholland Drive. Greasy joined us for a spectacular sunset ride. The full moon magically popped up over the hills as LA lay out below us on the twisty, curvy, and downright bumpy roads through the hills.
We wound up at Barney's Beanery for burger and a pint. The food was good, we were all hungry. This haunt has a celebrity history for events such as Jim Morrison taking a leak on the bar. Apparently John Wayne spent a lot of time here too. We left to drive around LA and it's many popular landmarks: Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Capitol Records, Universal Studios.
Thanks all you Bastards for a great time in LA.
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