Actually my destination is my cousins house in New Bern, NC. But I figure if I'm going to brag about a coast to coast adventure, by damnit I better get to the other ocean. So I'll drive the extra 40 miles past New Bern to Atlantic Beach for that iconic picture of my scooter on the other coast, tomorrow.
I head out of Greensboro on Alamance Church Road which eventually leads me to Chapel Hill on some of the most picturesque back roads in NC. After crossing Interstate 85, one house catches my eye. Some bizarre greco-roman gingerbread renovation frozen in a state of flux. There's statues, and columns, and archways scattered about the front yard. In the back yard I spy a medieval sort of parapet wall. There's a carved statue strung on a utility pole resembling a cross between an Easter Island statuary and a Totem pole. It's a visual cacophony of styles and images. Next door, sharing a driveway, a small engine repair shop sports all sorts of lawnmowers rusting away. I'm guessing they're related.
If the cool shade was a cash commodity, cows would be the miser kings of cool. They know how to milk every inch of cool from a tiny patch of shade. An if there's not enough shade they just pile in a pond and swim around to keep cool. It is miserably hot and humid. It's supposed to be 103F when I pass through Raleigh, but my outside temp gauge tells me it's 109F. Lots of farm lands remind me of the bucolic midwest landscape I just traveled through with their silos sticking in the air.
I decided to stop in Kinston and pick up some barbeque. That's Eastern NC barbeque, it's a noun around here not a verb. It's pulled pork from a slowly smoked juicy pig that's spiced with a vinegar based sauce. Not too hot and never sweet. It's always good. My outside air temperature gauge tells me it 118F when I'm waiting at a stop light. Hell's inferno can't be this bad.
It's just too darn hot today to continue on to the beach. Besides lots of family folks are leaving today. Slide show today:
Me again.
I guess this is the only way to communicate with you.
I must be slow, or maybe too G rated; but I don't get the double meaning of the sign. (it doesn't double click either)
Bobby (firetrucks!)
Hey...I emailed the address at labcorp you sent and it bounced back twice... Maybe this is the only way hehehe...
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